Monday, May 9, 2011

Marble Garden Table

A few days ago, I opened my door and practically stubbed my toe on my latest curbside find:

My across-the-street neighbor had just kicked to the curb a sweet little marble side table.

It is entirely marble and has some nice little details on the turned leg and foot:

I called him to make sure he didn't want it; Nope, he said, it'd been lingering in a corner of his garden for years, and he had no use for it.

Well, I do!
This sweet little table will be perfect for setting down a cold drink while enjoying the outdoors. Or it could come inside and lift a fern or other houseplant up above pug-chewing level.

Or it could just sit in the middle of a flower bed, a punctuation mark to the greenery around it.

So, thanks, K! Your trash is my treasure.


  1. That IS a find--I love it!


  2. Wheeee! Sharp eyes + a little luck = a great find!(I want to live in YOUR neighborhood!)
    If you ever consider putting it out on YOUR curb, let me know -- I'll take it off your hands.
