Sunday, April 10, 2011

Riotous Roses

Oh, how I love this moment in my garden! The rose bushes--more than 50 of them--have exploded all at the same time with their first flush of blooms after a winter's nap.

I can cut as flowers many as I want, and still there are dozens and dozens of blossoms left to nod in the sunshine and delight anyone passing by.

After this floral fireworks show is over, the rose bushes will settle down to their individual patterns of bloom. Some will crank out another set of buds in a few days, while some require several weeks to gather up enough energy for another show.

This, to me, is true wealth: Having this abundant beauty all around me, and recognizing it and acknowledging it for the gift that it is.

I am so grateful.

So, apparently, are the bees.


  1. Me too, Sis: life affirming, exhilerating and gratifying to be sure! (I'd love to see a picture of your entire yards' first bloom extravaganza -- based on the beautiful ones in these pictures, I can only imagine what an awesome sight it is!) My roses are a little behind yours (cooler weather up here), but my First Prize climbers (gorgeous, BIG pink flowers) are always the first and I've already given away two bouquets with another one for me and many more on the bush. The others are full of promising buds, and I can't wait to be reintroduced to their glorious colors after their winter's nap. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh Juli- The roses are just gorgeous! I especially love the lavender! I bet they are delightfully fragrant too! Thanks for the Pierre advice...I appreciate it so much!
