Monday, April 4, 2011

Polka Dot Roundup

It's springtime. It's Monday. That's as good an excuse as any for a polka-dot roundup! Here are some of the freshest, cutest, and most creative uses of the ever-classic dot that I'm loving right now.

From Whisker Graphics, dotty paper bags to go with their darling striped twines:

I fantasize making oversize chocolate-chip cookies and popping them in these bags, tied with WG's twine, to give to friends and family for a "Hooray-It's-Spring!" present. (Truth is, I'd eat too much of the raw dough to be left with much of a gift for anybody.)

On a less calorie-laden note, Pottery Barn continues to crank out beautiful riffs on the dot. They have them small:

and large:

and gigantic (this is a rug). How I would love this under my toesies:
Pottery Barn dots come in shiny (these are mini wall mirrors):

and sedate:

Speaking of sedate, have you seen Kate Spade's fine-china version of the dot? Love it!

If that's too pricey for you (it is for me), here's a terrific, inexpensive dotted scarf from Old Navy:

While over at its sister store, the Gap, there's this chic men's shirt. The Hubby would never wear this; he's too conservative. But I think it would look terrific on a guy with the right attitude:

This guy, for instance:

photo: The Nate Berkus Show

This is my new online crush, Rashon. He's a self-professed "thrift-store lifestyle coach." Rashon has a wonderful blog called "Mr. Goodwill Hunting," and recently he was on The Nate Berkus Show. So you know he's good!

Here's Rashon's own photograph of the polka-dot bow tie he wore that day:

Man, I love a guy who's willing to rock a good bow tie.

One of my daughters' favorite stores, Anthropologie, has just come out with these fabulous throwback looks:

This shot (above) is pure va-va-voom, straight out of the 1940s.

Anybody from any decade would probably love this gorgeous lemon cake from Country Living magazine:

To serve up that cute cake, head over to New York City-based Fishs Eddy, a great place for serveware and drinkware, where you'll find these goodies:

Trolling the Internet, I found this fantastic use of different dot sizes from a website called "The Second Bedroom." :

And lastly, I must share this darling teapot featuring random polka dots:

This teapot, from Rosanna china, is currently out of stock. Let's hope they bring this cutie back soon.

That's all for now. I'm off to do some more dot spotting!

1 comment:

  1. *Whew*! So many head is spinning! Fun!
