Thursday, November 4, 2010

Master Colorist

The rest of the country seems to be settling into the crisp days of fall. But not around here! We had a record-breaking heat wave yesterday. The temperature soared to 97 degrees, the hottest November 3 on record in 110 years of Los Angeles record-keeping!

And just the week before, we had a lovely cool spell, with a gentle rain that thoroughly soaked the ground for two days.

The day after the rains, the air was crisp and cold and heart-stoppingly clear. It was almost enough to make you forget about smog.

As the sun rose, I grabbed my camera and headed out to our rose garden to catch these pictures. Blossoms, buds, and rose hips (that escaped my dead-heading shears) sparkled in the sunshine. I gathered some of the hips and made a little bouquet of the most oddball color combo I could create--orange and lavender:

Why is it that color combinations that would look positively garish in home decor or in one's closet look so beautiful when Mother Nature is at work?

I don't know why, but she is clearly a master colorist.

1 comment:

  1. She IS, and lucky for all of us you are there to capture pieces of her artisry to share. xoxo (Sorry about your heat wave -- it's been a crazy year for weather, for sure.)
