Sunday, September 5, 2010

Today's Bounty at the Farmers' Market

Most Sunday mornings, I'm at my local farmers' market, reusable cloth bags in hand. Year round, the market has wonderful offerings--fruits, veggies, flowers, hand-made clothing and jewelry, free music, even a pony ride and a miniature train ride for the little ones.

But what gets my heart racing is the organic produce. Today, I nabbed these lovelies:

Classic red, ripe tomatoes

Regular and golden zucchini

Corn on the cob

Blue Lake green beans

lobster mushrooms.

And, because it's the mushroom guy's first weekend at this market and he was feeling magnanimous...

a little bag of free shiitake mushrooms.

I'm off to my pots and pans! There's some cooking to be done.

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