Saturday, August 14, 2010

Garage Sale Finds

One advantage to walking dogs early in the morning is being first on the scene at the garage sales.

Where I live, garage sales happen nearly all the year round, thanks to our nice weather. Still, summer seems to be prime season for cleaning out closets, hauling trash/treasure to the front yard, and seeing who's interested in paying you for the privilege of carting it off to their closet.

I never used to carry any money when I walked my dogs. But I've learned that pocketing a couple of bucks as I go out the door is a good idea. This is what I picked up in the last week at local yard sales:

For $3, I nabbed a beautiful glass flower frog:

and a cute metal flower frog as well:

Lovely Daughter #2 says this one looks like a character from a Dr. Seuss book. Or maybe an angry artichoke:

At another yard sale I found this sweet little plate for $2:

As you can see, it's tiny, compared to my regular-sized teaspoon. It's smaller than a tea saucer, so it might just be right for putting two or three cookies on:

And on the back, two things that clinched it for me: "bone china" and "England."

Now all I have to do is cut a few roses and brew a pot of tea to enjoy my new finds.

Oh, wait; I don't have a working stove yet.

Did you know you can boil water in the microwave? It just takes for-EH-ver. It's just after 2:00 now. If I want tea at 4:00, I have to start...right now.

Excuse me!

1 comment:

  1. Wish we lived closer, I'd love to join you on your garage sale walks! The frogs remind me of some of Mom's...and if I'd found that sweet rosebud plate I would have tried to beat you to it! xoxo
