Tuesday, August 3, 2010

English Blues

It is inevitable: I go somewhere on vacation, be it Santa Fe, Seattle, or San Francisco. I end up shooting pictures of blue things. So of course I did it in England, too. Love these shots. Hope you do, too.

Skyline near the Tower of London:

Lamp, Tower of London:

Painted doors, Tower of London (next two photos):

This particular shade of blue was apparently the favorite of Queen Victoria's:

Twilight sky, Covent Garden:

Bachelor's Buttons, gardens outside the Museum of Natural History, London:

Decorative boss on gate, London:

Train station, London:

Utility plate in street, Cambridge:

Church door, Cambridge:

Bike and door, Cambridge:

Steeple near the Corn Exchange, Cambridge:

Improvised bike basket, Cambridge:

This way, Cambridge:

Crest above an entrance, Cambridge University:

Painting for sale, Cambridge:

Window box #1, Cambridge:

Sunny sky, King's College, Cambridge:

Shop window, Cambridge:

Sweater, Cambridge:

Window box #2, Cambridge:

Bicycle, Cambridge:

Some sweet flower I don't recognize, Cambridge:

Two doors, Cambridge, Version 1:

Two doors, Cambridge, Version 2:

Garden gate, Cambridge:

Window box #3, Cambridge:

Stacked rowboats along the River Cam, Cambridge:

Stained glass, King's College Chapel, Cambridge:

Spray-painted sheep, the Lake District:

Blue sheep wool, Lake District:

Barn door, Lake District:

Garden bench, Lake District:

Lupines, Lake District:

Hydrangeas, Lake District:

Computer store, Keswick:

Dinner table, Lyzzick Hall Hotel, near Keswick:

Pale-blue lichen:

Rustic doorway, Lake District:

Lobelia, Lake District:

Floral arrangement, Ullswater Hotel Inn:

Sailing lesson, Ullswater:

Where to tie up the pooch:

Hanging basket:

Copper-rich rock:

Lobelia again:

And again:

Chair in front of museum, Coniston:

Milkman's crate:

Geoff's tie:

Vintage clothing shop, Penrith:

One of the 100 lions decorated and on public display around Bath:

Offerings in a glass shop, Bath:

Shop sign:

Door, Bath:

Bath's only strictly vegetarian pub:

Storefront, Bath:

Votive candles, Bath's abbey:

A beautiful night, Ambleside:


  1. Beautiful pictures, Juli--you sure have a good eye. And I am enjoying your "journeys in blue"--a reminder of how many shades there are of that lovely color!


  2. Beautiful blues! Gorgeous photography! (You could have a career doing this, you know!) Thanks for the visual treat of visiting the blues in England -- looks they like blue as much as you do! xoxo
