Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Book Review

I've spent most of July and August plowing through the wildly popular Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. It's been great summer reading--nothing literary or artistic. Just a great story and some memorable characters. Out of order, that's the first book on the right, the second book on the left:

photo by Pesky Library

I borrowed the last book, "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest," from Lovely Daughter #2. Unfortunately, it suffers from being over-long. As LD#2 says, "There's a great book in there, somewhere!" She and I think Stieg Larsson might have died before he and his editor had time to hone it down some.

So it's a meaty 743 pages long.

Something you can really sink your teeth into.

My puppy, alas, agrees:

Sorry, Lovely Daughter #2. Buy you a drink to make up for it?


  1. TeeHee!! (I have one book like that "bookmarked" by one of my Great Danes - ironicly, it was James Harriot's "All Creatures Great and Small"!) xoxo

  2. It was nice to receive many useful facts in this review.
