Friday, July 9, 2010


It's well into July, but here in Los Angeles, the gloomy, overcast days of June linger on.

Time for some piping-hot Raspberry Earl Grey tea in one of my favorite pots:

And multiplying the pleasure, a freshly-baked batch of drop-style scones (recipe here):

They are unbelievably good, no matter whether you add raisins, like these have, or dried cherries, cranberries, or chopped-up dates. Even chocolate chips work great!:

And making this teatime even more of a happy occasion...

This batch of scones was entirely made by somebody else. I didn't have to lift a finger. Lovely Daughter #2 and her Beau made them, start to finish:

Scones for teatime: yummy. Watching your child grow up and become a terrific little cook: priceless!

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