Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Food

It must be summer.

Grilled squash, beefsteak tomatoes, fresh corn, and walla walla sweet young onions, all of which need no more seasoning than olive oil, a little salt, and a hot barbecue.

A ton of fresh, sweet, red berries. I picked these raspberries and strawberries from our front yard just moments before snapping this picture.

Aren't they just about the cutest little strawberries you've ever seen? A huge burst of flavor, though. These puppies are good.

Cold carrot-ginger soup. Topped with sauteed zucchini, green onions and pumpkin seeds and drizzled with a tangy yogurt.

Fancy lettuces from our CSA box, tomatoes, corn, and black olives, tossed in a homemade vinaigrette.

For dessert: Molly Moon's blueberry goat milk ice cream in a freshly made waffle cone. Oh holy cow, I could have this stuff every day of the summer.

I absolutely loving my first true Seattle summer.

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