Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fashionably Grey

Well, my mother's out of the country and I'm finally settled back in at home after my semester abroad/almost four more weeks of traveling around Europe, so its back to the blog. In honor of mi madre, who, oddly enough, has switched places with me and is now roving about England with my dad for two weeks, here's a little word on the fabulousness of grey hair.

We've already talked about this a few times on T&P, and my mom's love of grey hair is well documented. But now, its apparently becoming A Thing. A Fashion Thing, and a Hipster Thing. One of my favorite blogs, Jezebel, has a little bit of info on grey hair in the fashion world, and though this particular article concentrates a bit on super-blonde as a kissing-cousin of grey, it still seems like grey hair is definitely making headway as its showing up from the pages of Vogue to Givenchy runways... I'm not a fashion expert by any means, but this seems like a pretty cool thing to me!

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