Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Absolutely Adorable

This website is possibly one of the cutest things ever. And no, it doesn't involve pugs, or dogs of any kind for that matter, but yes, it does involve babies. Couldn't help myself.

Anyway, its called Mila's Daydreams, and its all photos that imagine what a baby would be dreaming about, designed and photographed by one very creative mother.

According to creator Adele:

"This blog is my maternity leave hobby. While my baby is taking her nap,
I create scene around her and take quick snap photos.

I use only few minutes per picture, including creating idea, implementation and editing,
'cause I don't want to disturb her sleeping and most of my time is for my family.
My camera is small and inexpensive Canon IXUS 750."

Some of the photos:


Attack of the 50 foot woman's baby!



For more fanicful creations, check out Mila's Daydreams for yourself!

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