Sunday, June 27, 2010

High Sierra Blues, Part 1

Every summer for the last 12 years, my family has spent a week in the High Sierra, on a little lake near the border between California and Nevada.

Whenever I travel to a new city, I take photos of All Things Blue. But I never thought about taking photos of blue things in the mountains until now.

So today, I'll show you man-made blues I found. Tomorrow, I'll feature blues from Nature. (This was the harder of the two, because once you do sky and water, there are very few naturally blue things in Nature. She's stingy with this shade. But it's out there, if you look hard enough.)

Hope you enjoy them both.

Here are some of my favorite (made-made) High Sierra Blues:


Pen Cup


Water ski

Ping Pong

Pay phone

Father's Day artwork

Rocking chair

Peace headband


Pedal boat

Frayed end

Tethered boats

Glass shard

Abandoned gate

Yoga class

Parked cars

"Ducky" the dog

Bingo Night

Hula hoops

Flip flops

Sing-along book

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