Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Modern Greek Salad

Tonight for dinner, I'm having a delicious salad of fresh feta cheese, baby greens, roasted red peppers, avocado, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

My friend Tanya made this for dinner a few weeks ago, and I've this is now my third time recreating it, I love it so much!

(Forgive the picture quality, but I wanted to give you some idea of what the thing looked like!)
Yes, I am a poor college student. Yes, I am eating my salad out of a sauce pan. Don't judge me.

It's so simple and easy to make--the only "complicated" bit is chopping up the bell peppers, srprinkling them with some dried herbs, drizzling on some olive oil, and popping them in the (toaster) oven for about 15-20 minutes. Then, just mix the rest of the ingredients in a big ol' bowl, and enjoy!

This is from the last time we made the dish, but this time around I'm subbing out the olives and adding fresh avocado instead...a taste of California home.
If I can make it with a dorm "kitchen" that looks like this, then you can too!
(That's some homemade curry on the "stove" there...another delicious student-friendly dish, and maybe a post for next time!)


  1. Right up my alley - I'm going to try that combo soon! (Kudos to you for creating your gormet delights in that kitchen!) xoxo
