Saturday, April 3, 2010

Where in the world?

SO sorry I haven't blogged in a few weeks, I was in LA/at college for the past two weeks, and had a great vacation there. Spent time with my family (Alana even came down to visit!), my boyfriend, my friends, my professors, my dogs (met the new puppy!), and just generally enjoyed being around people I love so very much. I miss it so much already and honestly didn't want to leave at all. Now back in Cambridge for just two days in order to organize myself, try to get rid of the jet lag, pack, and be on my way to the next leg of my journey. Next up: Rome, Florence, Venice, Vienna, Prague, and Berlin with two of my very close friends. Hopefully I'll blog a bit from the hostels, but look forward to lots of info and pictures for sure when I come back!

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