Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Signs of Spring in My Garden

People say that Southern California doesn't have seasons. Of course we do. We have a proper set of four seasons here: Fire, Flood, Riot, and Earthquake!

Alright, so seasons are subtle in my part of the country, but there are signs that Spring has arrived in our gardens.

In my front yard, the dendrobium orchids are in bloom:

They always make me so happy, because some of these plants used to belong to my mother.

The wisteria on the pergola is in bloom. The flowers don't last long, but while they're here, they put on a spectacular show:

And the bees--both honeybees and the big, glossy black carpenter bees--love the flowers.

The roses planted along my new picket fence last fall are already popping out with blooms here and there. I love how this Double Delight bloom looks like she's shyly peering out from the safety of the fence corner:

And Comte de Chambord is rocking some really pretty mini-dew drops:

This Hotel California isn't open for business yet, but give him a day or two at the most:

Some of the roses seem to be concentrating on pushing out new growth first, blooms later. The newest, tenderest stems and leaves on the bushes are often various shades of bronze and burgundy:

Elsewhere in the garden, Scabiosa is budding:

Uh-oh! I'd better get after those aphids:

Years ago, I used to spray aphids with horrible, strong chemicals to get rid of them. But now I just put on a pair of Foxgloves and wipe my hands over the stems and buds, sweeping off the little buggers.

Much more Earth-friendly!

Anyhow, this is what scabiosa looks like in bloom:

Yup, Spring has definitely arrived in my garden, and it's fun to watch because...

...All sorts of things are popping up.

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