Thursday, February 4, 2010

Small Things

Yesterday in the mail I received a wonderful little package from Two packages, actually. This was the first:

When something is wrapped with this much care and charm, you know something wonderful is inside! Just look at this card:

I'm not familiar with this little ditty. Is it a skipping-rope chant? Below the first card peeked a second card:

This is the second card, which was tucked beneath. Precious!:

Even the string tying everything together was cute!:

And inside the tissue...

Was this!

This little dude has a hole in the top of his head:

It's a can...

Designed to hold string or twine:

which you thread out through the top of this cutie's noggin:

And now he's happily dispensing twine on a shelf in my kitchen!:

There was a second, much smaller package in the delivery:

I love this translucent, crinkly paper envelope, with its scalloped edge, and how it's sealed shut with a sticker printed with thesmallobject's iconic little helmeted logo-person:

This is what was inside the envelope. It's a tiny needle case, for holding your needles safe so they don't get lost at the bottom of whereveritis you stash them. On one side is this little fellow:

and on the other side is this little almost-poem:

Thank you, thesmallobject! I can't wait to pop some needles in here...

and smile every time I come across it at the bottom of my sewing box.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all the little thingies! I'll have to check out that website! xoxo
