Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I haven't posted on Teapots for so long and for that I am so sorry! I could give you all the excuses about being a busy college student, having five finals to write, packing up my entire room because I'm going abroad next semester, etc., but instead, I hope to placate you with some pictures of something we don't really get around these parts: snow!

I know the Northeast is completely inundated with snow right now, so to those of you over there, you might want to stop reading, as these pictures will be either ho-hom or simply remind you of the fact that right outside your doorstep is a good foot of powder. However, for those of you who are otherwise-located, perhaps right here in Southern California, I give you that rarely-seen sight of wintery goodness.

Two weeks ago I went on a trip through my college to Mammoth Lakes, CA. Each year, the ski group on campus rents out two large cabins in Mammoth (about a 5 hour drive north of Los Angeles) and 70 or so college students take them over for three days and two nights. These cabins, though large, really only sleep about 30ish people, so there were people sleeping on floors, in closets, in bathrooms, everywhere! Despite the odd sleeping arrangements, however, it was an amazing trip. Though 90% of people were there to ski or snowboard during the day, I went up with a couple of friends who were all intending to just sit around the cabin, explore the town, and play in the snow instead of paying extra to go up the mountain. We had a great time.

This was the cabin we stayed in. Beautiful!

It snowed during the night, so in the morning, my car looked like this.
Not something this LA girl is used to...

I loved the way the snow domed over these little fence posts.

It was quite cold, but we warmed ourselves up with Hot Buttered Rum.
SO delicious.
Recipe soon to follow!

All in all, I had a blast. That's not to say I'm ready to leave the land of palm trees and perpetual summer just yet, but it sure was nice to take a vacation. :)

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