Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dog Beach, Part II

Today I went back to Huntington Beach's Dog Beach, this time with Mu Shu (l) and Won Ton (r):

We went with our friend Shasta the Malamute (l) and her mom, V. The dogs had great fun meeting and greeting other pups on the beach (including other pugs!):

Won Ton raced up and down the beach like a maniac, totally ignoring the fact that he has a gimpy leg:

He went in the surf up to his shoulders, even though he is not a swimmer:

My friend V. played Dog Wrangler so I could get some shots of the three dogs together (note the white poodle that got tangled in the leashes):

Shasta posed for an iconic Surfer Girl shot:

And everybody got extremely sandy:

At the end of the day we went to a you-wash-doggy place and soaped them all clean. So fun!

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