Sunday, May 10, 2009

I'm getting hungry...

We seem to be on a foodie-kick as of late...

I just wanted to share with you a website that I recently ran across, called TasteSpotting. The creators call it "an obsessive, compulsive collection of eye-catching images that link to something deliciously interesting on the other side." Basically, they post beautiful pictures of food with links to the pages that featured the picture in the first place. The links usually take you to great food blogs with recipes for the stuff that is pictured, which is great. And really, these pictures are simply mouthwatering (or maybe that's because I'm really hungry right now...hmmm.) Just a look at some of them, below:

Ok, so the picture isn't that great but I'm someone who isn't into my food touching on my plate (yeah, I know, I'm weird) so I  LOVE the idea of partitioned plates. (I also appreciate how they manage not to look like cafeteria trays with those awful little holders for each part of your meal.) I think these are cool and elegant.

That's it, mom, I'm learning how to cook this summer!


  1. Holey Moley, I'm making that chocolate microwave mug cake just as soon as I come back from the gym! (JK!)

  2. Not at all kidding, I'm totally making that chicken curry this week! It looks fabulous and I have all the ingredients on hand already. Perfect. :)

  3. $5 says I learn to dance before Lauren learns to cook.
