Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Food Finds in San Francisco

I love farmers' markets. I try to go to my local one every Sunday. When I'm in another city, it's fun to see what's offered there, too.

Recently I was in San Francisco for a family wedding (yay, family weddings!). Some of us guests had time to visit the city, so we wandered over to the wharves at the end of the Embarcadero. There, we found a lively farmers' market surrounding the Ferry Building (above).

In front of the tower, across the street from the farmers' market, this guy was banging out amazing rhythms on pots and pans, garbage pails, and whatnot.

Oddly enough, I don't have any pictures of the outside, temporary stalls. Maybe that's because they looked a lot like the ones in my home town. But inside was another story!

The beautiful interior of the Ferry Building boasts a great collection of foodie destinations, including a Cowgirl Creamery store, a Scharffen Berger shop, and much more.

The tile walls of the Ferry Building are decorated with attractive mosaics depicting food.

Nice signage!

Making crepes to order inside the Ferry Building.

Miette Patisserie, inside the Ferry Building.

Something chocolate-y from the patisserie--and wrapped in polka-dot cellophane!
Praying at the altar of the Cowgirl Creamery cheese stall.

This sign got a lot of attention. The thing is, I don't think they were kidding!
Walking back outside, we came across a bakery with a large, plate-glass window through which you could watch people at work. We were oohing and aahing this baker's creations when we heard her giggling. Turns out she's got a two-way microphone setup, and she can hear what everyone is saying and can answer back. (Note the piece in her ear, below.)

Food lovers in San Francisco, I envy you! So much wonderfulness....

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