Sunday, April 19, 2009

Long Time, No See

I've been absent for a while, I know...things have been quite busy around here. So busy, in fact, I haven't always had time to go to the dining hall for dinner. But, not matter, because I have this handy little guy:

Trader Joe's Indian Dal, made of black lentils and red kidney beans with ginger, tomato, and garlic. This stuff is amazing. It is flavorful, healthy, delicious, (vegan!) and heats up in about 2 minutes. So, for dinner I can often have that combined with some delicious Basmati rice that I cook up in my small dorm kitchen (that takes only about 15 minutes) and combine for a great meal.

Yeah, the final product is not that appealing to look at, but trust me, it is very, very tasty. I'd recommend this combination (and a bunch of other great Trader Joe's products of the same kind) to any busy college student. Now, back to studying.

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