Monday, April 6, 2009

Land of Enchantment

Recently I visited Santa Fe, New Mexico, a.k.a. "The Land of Enchantment," one of my favorite places, ever. I took lots of photos of food, architecture, nature, and landscapes. (Those will have to wait for another time.) Here are some of the wonderful people--and animals--I saw while there:

Black Leather Cowboy, perusing the goods at the Folk Art Museum's yearly flea market.

Lavender Lady, Santa Fe Farmers' Market.

"China," a rat terrier/Jack Russell mix, Tesuque Canyon.

Adorable tot, Farmers' Market.

"Duffy," a gentlemanly Scotty, Tesuque Canyon.

Scary Fairy, Farmers' Market.

Silversmith Extraordinaire Alphonso Tenorio, Governor's Palace.

Velveteen Rabbit, Farmers' Market.

Pez Man, Sena Courtyard, Santa Fe.

Roasted Pine Nut Vendor, Governor's Palace, Santa Fe.

Flirting Kitchen Staffer, Tesuque Village Market.

There are regions on Earth that fill your empty places and recharge your soul. Santa Fe is one of those for me. I hope that all of you find, and can return again and again, to your own Santa Fe's.

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