Thursday, April 30, 2009

Eating Well on a Budget in Seattle

I've recently discovered two awesome deals for Seattle diners hoping to eat well without spending too much money, and I can't wait to try them.

The first is the Flavor of Seattle card: buy it for $50 and you automatically get $25 off a >$50 dinner at a participating restaurant. This is a great deal because it only takes two restaurant trips to pay back what you've spent on the card--everything after that is pure savings. The meal must cost $50 before tax and tip, so figuring that all in you won't leave for under $38 or so. Still a great price. Unfortunately there are only 17 participating restaurants. Some of them look really intruiging and I'd love to give them a try, but there is a potential drawback of feeling too limited by your selection.

Urban Eats (a successor, of sorts, to the New Urban Eats program) is even bigger. Forty-nine participating restaurants are offering three-course meals for $30 per person--what a deal! I clearly can't afford a $30 dinner every night, but this is a great opportunity for a nice meal without some of the worry. I recognize some of the restaurants as places I've gone or been meaning to go, but most of them are new to me. And the best part about it for me is that it's not a completely prix-fixe menu; instead there's a choice of 3-5 dishes for each course. What a godsend for those of us keeping kosher. (Really, prix-fixe menus are the bane of my existence. I don't think I've ever seen one I could eat, not even once!) The special is offered every Sunday-Thursday in May, with the exception of Mother's Day.

So... anyone want to go out to dinner with me?

1 comment:

  1. Alana: Many prix fixe restaurants will allow some modest substitutions if you say it's for health or kashrut reasons. I know that I have always been able to get treif substituted out. I haven't tried so hard to separate meat and milk. Next time you go somewhere, ask and see what you can get.
